The Order of Istrado

The circle forgives, but does not forget

Green & Silver | Phoenix | Irenhome, Elion

Istrado in History

Hailing from the river deltas of Eastern Elion, Istrado began as a loose collection of people talented in healing magics. They used this monopoly for the power of good, ensuring all had access to the earth circles from which they drew their magic. Known to be highly efficient with their resources, they would give them freely to those of lesser means. As civilization rose, Istrado set up trading networks for healing supplies that stretched all over the world, aided by the trading prowess of the Order of Gale. Istrado could be found in nearly every settlement in the land, its healers tending nearby circles and forming the Earth Guild.

Istrado Today

The Order of Istrado continues their work from Irenhome. Famous for their healers, spellswords, earth ritualists, and tenacity in cleansing the undead, they accept members from all over provided that they swear to hunt and bring to justice any who would knowingly use necromancy in all its forms. While this focus on the undead is only a small part of what makes an Istradian welcome wherever they may travel, the members are also renowned for their patience when helping others or answering a call for aid.